This directory contains a version of the "brik" program, which can be used to verify that this CD is 100% complete and readable. This is useful when you know there is a problem, but are unsure if the problem is in your driver software, your CD-ROM drive, or with the CD itself. By testing the CD with brik on various systems, or with various system configurations, you should be able to isolate the problem. To install on an Amiga: copy BIN/IXEMUL.LIB libs:ixemul.library copy BIN/BRIK c:brik To test the CD, run brik from the root directory of the CD using a command of the form: brik -Cb ALS/CRCLIST or brik -Cvb ALS/CRCLIST Use brik -h for help, or see the docs in the SRC directory. -Fred Fish Amiga Library Services